Where is Victoria Falls in Africa, The Worlds Largest Waterfall

Facts Zone Africa
3 min readSep 21, 2022


Where is Victoria Falls in Africa? One of the 7 miracles of the world, the Victoria Falls is an amazing sight. It’s the greatest and the worlds largest waterfall.

Referred to by local people as Mosi-oa-Tunya, or “the smoke that roars,” worlds largest waterfall was first seen by Western eyes in 1855 when British voyager David Livingstone saw it and named it after Queen Victoria. Considering the experience of seeing Mosi-oa-Tunya for the first time, he expressed, “Scenes so lovely must be gazed upon by angels in their flight.”

Where is Victoria Falls in Africa, Worlds Largest Waterfall

Victoria Falls is situated on the fourth biggest waterway in Africa — the Zambezi River. The Zambezi river is the boundary between the two nations, Zimbabwe and Zambia, so the Victoria Falls is consequently shared by the two African countries. 66% of the survey of the Victoria Falls in on the Zimbabwean side, and the other third in on the Zambian side.

Visiting the Zimbabwean Side of Victoria Falls

While deciding to visit this cascade we strongly recommend the Zimbabwean side — the town is more modest, more minimized, and more straightforward to get around by walking. The town on the Zimbabwe side is named after the cascade and most convenience is a 10 brief stroll from the entry to the rainforest. The Zimbabwe side also tends to offer the more picturesque views because the viewpoints are farther.

Visiting the Zambian Side

If you had any desire to visit the Zambian side around the same time, this should be generally possible in one morning and by walking. The town on the Zambian side is called Livingstone. Livingstone town is roughly 10 km away from the rainforest. There are 2 lodgings near the cascade however the actual town, is more fanned out and requires the utilization of cabs to move around.

The Zambia side at high stream (February to June) is an exhilaratingly instinctive encounter; guests strolling on the opposite side of the restricted canyon can feel the splash (get soaked or lease a rain coat).

Also Read: Mosi-oa-Tunya (Victoria Falls) in Zambia and Zimbabwe’ A World Spectacle

Would I be able to do the two sides in a day?


You can visit both the Zimbabwean and zambian sides two in two or three hours. Ensure you have a both countries visa in your passport. You can drive or stroll across the scaffold between the two countries, .

In the event that you wish to return, ensure you get your pasport gets stammped before leaving and entering the other country.

What else would I be able to do at Worlds Largest Waterfall?

An extravagance dinner train crosses from Zambia to Zimbabwe over the Zambezi River and stops in the center for a view of Victoria Falls, worlds largest waterfall.

For an airborne view, microlight flights are well known. There are agreeable or extravagance lodges close to the two towns, regularly the starting places of multiday natural life safaris.

Source Credit: nationalgeographic, victoriafalls-guide.net



Facts Zone Africa
Facts Zone Africa

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