Africa Facts Zone presents Facts About River Nile in Egypt. Egypt’s Nile River is Africa’s and the world’s longest river at 6,670 kilometers (4,160 miles).
Only 22% of the Nile’s flow passes in Egypt, despite its widespread association with the country.
Rive Nile’s basin stretches from Tanzania to Burundi to Rwanda to the Democratic Republic of Congo to Kenya to Uganda to South Sudan to Ethiopia to Sudan.
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Facts About River Nile
In Egypt, the River Nile is perhaps the most famous river in the world.
The fertile banks of the Nile, where the Pharaohs and man-eating crocodiles of Ancient Egypt were born circa 3000 B.C., and where the Rosetta Stone was discovered.
The Nile is still a lifeline for the millions of people who live along its banks today.
One of the facts about river nile is that in Ancient Egypt, the Nile considered both the “Father of Life” and the “Mother of All Men.”
The ancient Egyptians referred to the Nile as ‘pa or Iteru, which translates to “river.”
The black silt left behind by the annual floods gave the river its other ancient Egyptian name, Ar or Aur, which translates as “black.”
Another facts about river nile to the Ancient Egyptians, the Nile played a crucial role in their meteoric ascent to prosperity and power along its banks.
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The Nile River provides a lush oasis for rich agriculture to the Egyptian people because of the country’s dearth of rainfall.
The Egyptians thought that the Nile was intricately connected with the land’s blessings and curses plus the weather, culture as well as the gods and goddesses who were associated with it.
They thought that the gods were engaged in every aspect of their life and that they could assist them in every way possible.
In some tales, the Nile was a manifestation of the deity Hapi.
Hapi was said to have blessed the region with plenty and the Ancient History Encyclopedia says this is true.
The goddess Isis, known as the “Giver of Life” and the patron of agriculture, was said to have imparted her agricultural knowledge to the Egyptians.
When rivers and lakes in the underworld were polluted with silt due to human activity.
It is thought that the water deity Khnum, who controlled over all water, was responsible.
Late in history, Khnum evolved into a deity who was also associated with regeneration and creation.
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Source of the River Nile
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